Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Pardon the Design Dust...

A little dusty around here - both in terms of some long (very, very long) overdue redesigns on the site as well as a general, er, lack of posting in the year 2019.

I've been hard at work, and shortly parts of the site, particularly the design portions, should reflect that. I've gotten to make a bunch of covers for a bunch of super talented writers, made a bunch of graphics for my Etsy shop, and also been working away on a new book. And then off of my computer, life is a series of busy somethings - feeding people, serving on church committees, and occasionally getting to get out into the world a bit.

All that to say, things should be tidying up here in the weeks to come, freshening up and getting all of the plug-ins working again. What have your busy somethings looked like lately? Share in the comments!