Friday, September 22, 2017

New Etsy Shop & Graphic Giveaway!

Guess what - I’ve opened an Etsy shop! If you’re not one of the people who’s had their ear talked off about my love for graphic art and design, this might take you by surprise. (And if you have had your ear talked off, well, thank you for your patience!)

Social media changed between the releases of my second and third novels (Simply Sara and A Table by the Window, if you’re counting). I started designing my own marketing graphics during my first release with WaterBrook. In my post-college, pre-publishing days, I’d had a small photography business and had become more than passingly familiar with the art of photo editing. At first, making my own marketing graphics was a matter of adding text to images. 

But I also studied art in college, and markets such as The Hungry Jpeg and Creative Market introduced me to the joys of non-standard brushes and styles, and soon I was making my own artwork and custom pieces to give as gifts. I learned new skills and got faster and better. Well – faster at the doing. The deciding still takes time. 

Over the last couple years, I realized I’d built up a number of graphics in my stash, and I’d had friends and readers asking about purchasing prints. So – now that I’ve more or less settled into my new home and Jane of Austin is out in the world, I'm excited to make them available to everyone! 

To celebrate, I'm giving away a graphic each to two readers - use the form below to enter. Click the logo below to check out the shop!

 HillaryMakes Site
Which graphics are your favorites? Share in the comments below!



  1. I love "Know Your Own Happiness". Beautiful.

  2. Love your new shop! The Stranger Than Fiction quote is awesome!

  3. I didn’t know you made graphics! They are gorgeous! I love them all!

  4. I like the C.S. Lewis one about eating and reading the best!

  5. Where Words Fail, Music Speaks ~ and ~ I Am Ready for Fall for it is Time for Pie
    [YaY! Congratulations!!]
    Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Although I've never read the book, I have seen the Stranger Than Fiction movie. Believe me, I know it's not the same thing. :) Yet, I LOVE that quote and I know quite a few people I would love to gift it to.

  8. Julia Child and CS Lewis!!! I just love them both so much, I would probably go with the Lewis quote if I had to since my husband would probably appreciate that quote slightly more. :) Beautiful Art!

  9. Love your new shop! Your creativity is amazing!

  10. I like the Try New Recipes - Julia Child quote! Your graphics are very pretty.


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